viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012

Adele - Someone like you.

Well, Althought it's an english blog, I'm going to writte a few wors in spanish in order to do my particular translation of "Someone Like you". Like even thusdays, 2 girls of the "Music Combo", that are studing "singing", delighted us singing this song to the entire breast.

Here you fine de song.

Escuché que te habías establecido
que enecontraste a una chica, y ahora estás casado
Escuché que tus sueños se hicieron realidad.
Adivino que te dio cosas que yo nunca te di,
viejo amigo, porqué eres tan tímido?


martes, 8 de mayo de 2012

The song Of the festival!!! (4th class)


After the last hard weekend.....thinking and thinking what I'm going to do in the school's festival, yesterday I finded all.

The song i sunder!   And the dance.....wau! I had really luck finding a easy dance mobe done in japan.'s a secret.....   it's a surprise.

I'm really worried about de final exam....   In the other hand...I had 15 days more than the others students for study....because my exam It' going to be a not continued avaluation..... Please, lucky!  Come to me one more time!

lunes, 7 de mayo de 2012

I Pray for you!

Perhaps yoar are asking yourself How.

But I thing that also it helps to improve the world. Why not?

Under this line, I leave a video with a very shock idea. But, I'm sure when we are praying for someone, our empathy is growing. We are a little bit the other people. We are learning something about the life (across the eyes of the others). And  finally, we are growing and increasing ours experience.

domingo, 6 de mayo de 2012

Bad news

Today is only my second day,....and, Just I had bad temptations about sleep before writte in my english blog....

But...good news....  My first crisis was overcome!

Today I had a informal reception with all friends. All of they studied with me Techncal surveyor, and better or worst, they are surviving in this difficult world.

I'm great about the experience that two girls (girlsfriends of my friends) were telling me. They are "Entrepreneural".

One of them doing sugar cakes with colours and forms.... And the other wants to do a muffin workshop. To do murffins?  mmm  no really....
She wants to patent a new stile to do jobs interviews.
For exemple, you are the boss and you are lookink for someone with some capacities. Very friendly, or very submissive, or with a lot initiative, etc...
Then, You make an appointment with the ten people that have the most indicated curriculum. Finally, you pass them the recipe of the muffins that you want, and record what they doing do, and what's the role of everyone.
The last thing is to chose what person is the better to occupy the vacancy depending of kind of person that you were looking.
The idea is "what skins needs the person that you're looking for?". See the video, and choose!

I like the idea. Yes! And for it, she win a scholarship in order to be coach.

But, for the same process, I prefer a tour in the mountain...with maps, shelters tents, peaks...etc. my stile...

But it isn't work, for exemple, with invalids, injureds, etc... 

Well....Good night!

sábado, 5 de mayo de 2012



My name is òscar and I'm a student of english in the Martorell's EOI doing the 4th english.

In only one month I'll have my last exam of 4th, in order to pass, or repeat course. This year, may be the least formative, respecting learn english, is the most difficult in order to pass to the last level in EOI.

Therefore I create this blog, in order to writte a little bit every day.... in order to improve my english, and both keep in touch with my best friend, and with my girlfriend.

I hope you enjoy it!